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How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Past Perfectionism

Writer's picture: Christine LieuChristine Lieu

In today’s episode, ditch the overwhelm and learn easy ways to show up as your full self, all the time. It’s not about showing up perfectly, it’s about showing up. Easier said than done. Tune in to try out some tools that will bring you to an even deeper awareness of yourself in any given moment and help you get out of your own way. Do you struggle with performance anxiety or speaking your truth in front of others without word vomiting? Are you a recovering perfectionist or exhausted by overwhelm? Christine and Chantal (@chantalstaffabb) will have the next steps of your self-growth journey mapped out by the end of this episode.

Chantal Stafford-Abbott, founder of The Deep Space has worked as an international fashion model for over a decade living in NYC, Paris, London, and other fashion capitals of the world. She moved back to Montreal in 2017 to pursue her studies in Human Relations at Concordia, and founded The Deep Space that year. The Deep Space is a monthly conversation series that helps open-minded people who want to explore common experiences through safe and non-judgmental conversations in a community setting. Her mission is to create safe spaces for human conversations in modern settings.

What to Listen For

  • Time to Dive Deep. Why having a safe space to have deep conversations is so transformative to personal growth. (7:23)

  • Flex your Muscles! Making your way back to authenticity by checking in with this sense. (10:40)

  • Do you have performance anxiety? This mantra is a gamechanger. (14:22)

  • Under Pressure? Here are 3 tips to kick overwhelm’s butt to the curb. (16:44)

Resources From This Episode: The Next Deep Space Conversation Learn more about the Make Lemonade community Chantal & I met at. Get your 1st month 50% off with code: IMWITHCHRISTINE Find more of what makes you happy. Join Skillshare & Get 2 Months Free

🎧 Thanks for listening!

About this show: As featured in Top 10 New & Noteworthy Canada & Top 10 Art & Design Canada, Brand Party Podcast will energize you to invest in your brand in new ways. Join me for tips, insights, and actions you can take to make your brand a priority in your business. My guests and I deliver honest, to-the-point advice you can implement RIGHT AWAY!


Partial transcription provided from the episode. Note: Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. It is posted as an aid to understanding the episode for those who may be hard of hearing or those looking for additional resources.

How does 'Brand Party' resonate with you?

What would you say to those who feel overwhelmed by their branding and design challenges?

I’m not sure about you, or to those listening to this episode, but I am a HUGE fan of deep conversation. Especially with strangers oddly enough, haha. This is something I really miss now especially as we aren’t able to travel as often perhaps or are physically distant from our loved ones. But that connection is so integral! Why is having that safe space to have deeper connections so transformative? What form can that take to dive in deeper for our own personal growth to the art of empathy with others?I saw you post about the quote, “Perfection is the enemy of good.” This has stuck with me ever since. That feeling to be perfect may not even be something we’re completely aware of ourselves, but it’s good to be conscious of how it creeps into our lives. What are some signs we should look for when it comes to perfectionism and low self-esteem? It’s not always easy, but how have you gotten out of your own way and pushed through those barriers? Would love your top 3 tips on how we can do it too.Anything else you’d like to add?

What are you currently celebrating? What’s the #1 thing you want people to have fun with from this episode?

Thank you so much Chantal for taking the time to join in on the fun on the BRAND PARTY Podcast. Where can people find out more about you?


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